McDonald's recently introduced a limited-time offer, allowing customers to get their hands on two new McGriddles for $3.50.
Individuals may choose one or two of the same product for the special price of $3.50 as part of the deal. The new offer includes the company's well-known Sausage and Chicken McGriddles.
The Sausage McGriddles breakfast sandwich consists of a savory, sizzling hot sausage between two soft, toasty, and sweet maple-flavored griddle cakes.
Meanwhile, a flavorful, crispy chicken patty is sandwiched between two tender, warm McGriddle griddle cakes and drizzled with genuine butter to complete the Chicken McGriddles breakfast sandwich.
For a limited time, customers can get two McGriddles for $3.50 at a few McDonald's restaurants across the country.
McDonald's Blueberry & Crème Pie is back in select locations
For a short period of time, in a few locations, including Arkansas, California, Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New York, New Jersey, New Mexico, Ohio, Oregon, Tennessee, Virginia, and Washington, McDonald's restaurants are bringing back the Blueberry & Crème Pie in honor of the new year.
For those who are unfamiliar with the seasonal delight, blueberries and vanilla-flavored crème are piled side by side in a premium pie crust that is cooked to absolute perfection and served warm.
Prices may vary, but in most outlets, one costs $1.39, and two cost $2.29. For a brief period of time, individuals can find the Blueberry & Crème Pie at select McDonald's restaurants across the nation.
McDonald's BOGO-free Big Macs were a hit in 2022
The BOGO (Buy One Get One) promotion was part of a slew of other offers that the brand introduced on December 1, 2022. This allowed consumers of the burger chain to enjoy a free Big Mac with one purchase. The offer was available until December 21, 2022.
From December 5 to December 7 and from December 12 to December 18, BOGO offers were also offered at select locations.
Following the BOGO Big Mac promotion, another delectable offer of Double Cheeseburgers available for 50 cents was introduced for December 22 and 23 only.
If one participated in the rewards program, their purchases gave them the chance to enter a lucky draw to win one of the coveted McGold Cards. Rare cards entitle the owner to an endless supply of free McDonald's.
About McDonald's Restaurants
McDonald's was founded by Ray Kroc, who in 1954 created a little burger joint in California. The company is now pleased to have grown from small beginnings as a restaurant to become one of the top food service brands in the world, with more than 36,000 locations across over 100 nations.
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