Regardless of whatever is happening in the world right now, there is one person who has happened to make his mark everywhere, and that includes the anime community. This person is none other than the former professional kickboxer Andrew Tate, who previously claimed that watching anime turns one into a 'loser.'
While the event took place nearly six years ago, following the former professional kickboxer's rising popularity, the incident recently resurfaced on the internet. Since Andrew Tate has said many controversial things in the past, it has contributed to establishing his fame worldwide. While anime fans acknowledge this, it has left many people confused if he truly meant what he claimed in the tweets.
Why did Andrew Tate claim that watching anime turns one into a loser?
Nearly six years ago, when not many people outside the kickboxing community knew of Andrew Tate, he posted a tweet through his official account that people who are over 15 years old and watch cartoons are losers.
The internet personality even included anime under the cartoons' wide umbrella as he mentioned series like Dragon Ball Z. He stated how women lose respect for men who watch them. Thus, he asked men who watch cartoons or anime to grow up.
Andrew Tate then went on to specifically target anime. According to him, some American animated shows like Trey Parker and Matt Stone's South Park and Matt Groening's Simpsons are still fine. He himself finds South Park to be funny, and as for The Simpsons, despite the fact that he does not like it personally, it is popular and passable. But for anime, Tate believes that the art form is only watched by losers.
Previously, he had made a controversial claim that depression wasn't real. This tweet received much attention as depression was a serious topic that many could not ignore. So, after seeing the response from the people to his slander of people watching cartoons, he could notice that a lot of them were the same people who responded to him when he made the statement about depression a whole ago. Andrew Tate then came to the conclusion that depressed losers love cartoons/anime.
However, is there any truth behind Andrew Tate's claims? From viewing his internet activity at the time, it is quite evident that the former professional kickboxer made such statements to get attention online. During that time, he spent some time making controversial statements, which would've helped him gain some media attention. Therefore, it is difficult to say if he meant whatever he said in the tweet.
Many people online, specifically on YouTube, responded to his claims by making videos on it. The responses often disregarded his views, given that he was a "nobody" back then. However, as years passed by, Andrew Tate became popular worldwide, as he is now present on any form of social media where people often share his videos or memes. Thus, while Andrew Tate did make poor claims, his strategy to become popular worked.
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