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Best locations to take pictures of Rishboland tigers in Genshin Impact

The new Graven Innocence event in Genshin Impact will take players on an adventure to explore Sumeru and take snapshots of its flora and fauna. They will have to take snapshots based on different themes assigned to the event.

Part I and Part III of Snapshot themes are based on fierce animals of the Sumeru rainforest. Players will be given the task of finding Rishboland Tigers in the area and taking their snapshots. Additionally, they will have to capture pictures of them playing with their tails, washing their faces and more.

Here are the best locations to find the Rishboland Tigers.

Genshin Impact: Best locations to find Rishboland Tigers in Sumeru region

Rishboland Tigers can be found in the mountain regions of the Sumeru rainforest. These fierce animals are extremely territorial and will become hostile against invaders. Hence, it is best for Genshin Impact players to maintain an appropriate distance when taking snapshots of them.

The Part I theme of the Snapshot sub-event will assign them with the task of taking a picture of the Rishboland Tiger in their natural habitat.

Find Rishboland Tiger in Gandha Hills for snapshot (Image via Genshin Impact)

The picture above shows the best location for these tigers in Genshin Impact. Recognized as Gandha Hills, players can teleport to the waypoint shown in the picture and head northwest towards the marked location.

Once inside the marked area, search for the Rishboland Tigers inside the scope. There is a high chance that these tigers will either be roaming the road or sitting on some nearby tree branch, so be on the lookout for these two potential areas.

Find Rishboland Tigers in Vissudha Fields (Image via Genshin Impact)

Meanwhile, the theme for Snapshot Part III requires Genshin Impact players to take pictures of the Rishboland Tiger's idle animations. These pictures should include the tigers playing with their tails, washing their faces, and in attacking stances.

The best location to take these snapshots will be Vissudha Fields as shown in the picture above. In this area, these fierce animals are known for climbing trees and resting on the grassy plains. For the first two idle animations, players must maintain distance to avoid getting spotted by the tigers.

After finding an appropriate spot, they must open the Exquisite Kamera and keep the focus on the Rishboland Tiger until the device identifies its actions and a text pops up on top (for instance, "Rishboland Tigers: Playing With Tail"). Once Exquisite Kamera identifies the animal's actions, quickly snap the photo.

To capture the tigers' attacking stance, players are advised to take a shield character and approach them. Once the fierce animal is triggered to attack the Traveler, run away to get some distance and use the Exquisite Kamera gadget to take a snapshot.

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