Chloe Sevigny is 41 years old. Is it wrong to say that she looks her age? Well, with the certain kind of makeup and styling, I think she could look early to mid-30s. But to me, she looks her age, no shade intended. I like that she’s not Botoxed, filler’d, plucked and tucked into oblivion. She’s always had a quirky, avant-garde style which she doesn’t exactly carry the same way after two decades in the spotlight, so that’s throwing things off too. And I believe she’s probably pretty fun, meaning she’s spent years partying, drinking, smoking and probably not taking great care of herself. I bring all of this up because Chloe has a new interview with W Magazine about beauty, aging, skincare and more. W Magazine says Chloe never ages, and Chloe takes the compliment and runs with it… right over a cliff. You can read the full piece here. Some highlights:
Why she looks ageless: “I think it’s not having had a baby yet. Because I think the baby wear and tear and stress on your body is part of the reason why people say, “Why do you still look so young?” I really think that that unfortunately ages women, especially when they have children in their 30’s, not in their 20’s. So I think, first and foremost, it’s that and genetics. And then I’m really into all the things they tell you to do, like moisturizing. I go to Dr. Colbert, who is this fancy dermatologist. I haven’t really gone the Botox route yet, but he does lasers and very expensive facials and stuff like that… I do lots of moisturizing, lots of water. I don’t do a lot of caffeine. But once I hit 40, I feel like things are starting to happen now that aren’t very exciting, and I’m starting to get a little scared.”
Whether she’ll get proactive about anti-aging: “I don’t know that I’m more proactive. I mean, what do you do? Do you let it happen? Or do you start the preventive measures? It’s kind of terrifying. The under-the-eye thing, there really isn’t much to do for that. I also always slept on my side, and now I’m trying to train myself to sleep on my back for these lines [she gestures at her face] and these lines [neck and décolleté]. And with the pillow height, so it’s more with those kinds of things. I mean you’re in bed for what, seven or eight hours a night. That’s a long time! So I’m trying to shift things like that, which are difficult. But it’s hard after 40. Everyone says that once you hit 40. I mean not only that, it’s sort of different things, like the knees.
Her knees: “I mean I was asking Dr. Colbert, “What can you do? I heard Demi Moore had some sort of knee thing.” And he said, “Oh, don’t be crazy Chloë.” But I’m kind of known for my legs. So it’s kind of a terrifying time, but instead of being scared I’m just trying to enjoy it. Because I have lots of friends in their 50s and they say, “If you’re like that, it’s only going to get worse.” So just being confident in your 40s. It’s a big mental thing.”
Whether she would go back to having bangs: “I have. I mean, I’ve had so many hairdos over the years—some good, some bad, some wild, some whatever, some recovering from parts. I don’t think I’m a bangs person. I have to say, I did the show Hit & Miss and I had black hair in it. Going back to blonde was like so hard. We did a bang and this Louise Brooks bob, and all of a sudden all of my outfits looked so great. I feel like when you have a real haircut—especially being a blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl with my texture—I could wear almost anything and it would look cool. But I’m trying to go for something softer now.”
She also goes on at length about perfume, why red carpets suck these days (the photographers are too close & high-def cameras), why sitting in hair & makeup is demoralizing and how she’s still trying to get the perfect ashy blonde. It was actually a really enjoyable (if superficial) read. As for Chloe’s opinion that pregnancy in one’s 30s is why women don’t age well… I always thought that the pregnancy and post-partum hormones made women look better, regardless of age? And I feel like Chloe isn’t aging any better or worse than her contemporaries who have had children. If anything, Chloe just has more time to obsess about her looks… and how she’s known for her legs? Is she really known for her legs?
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN.