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Hells Kitchen Finale Who Won Recap: Season 12 Winner Chosen

Hell’s Kitchen Finale Who Won Recap: Season 12 “Winner Chosen”

HELL’S KITCHEN returns to FOX tonight for another episode of season 12 called, “Winner Chosen.” On this evening’s episode in the Season 12 finale, the Top 2 contestants (Scott Commings and Jason Zepaltas) each create five unique dishes and then prepare menus for the last dinner service before one of them is crowned the winner. Chefs Michael Voltaggio, Ben Ford, Quinn Hatfield, Neal Fraser and David Myers serve as judges. The champion receives $250,000 and a head-chef position at Gordon Ramsay Pub and Grill at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas.

On last week’s episode the final four finalists were treated to a surprise when their loved ones visited HELL’S KITCHEN, but family time came to an end when Chef Ramsay announced the classic “Taste It Now Make It Challenge.” Relying only on their palates and one sample plate of Chef Ramsay’s complex seafood entrée, the contestants had to recreate the dish and correctly identified its protein, garnish and purée. The winner will receive a VIP restaurant tour around Los Angeles, while the other chefs will do all heavy lifting during move-out day. After dinner service, Chef Ramsay made one of the most difficult decisions yet, he sent two of the four chefs home. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it we have a full and detailed recap, right here for you.

On tonight’s episode Chef Ramsay sets the stage for the remaining two contestants when he throws them into the ring to prepare five unique dishes for the final challenge, which will be judged by five of the most renowned chefs in Los Angeles. Later, with the help of former HELL’S KITCHEN contestants, the two chefs prepare their menus for the most important dinner service of their life. After an epic battle in the kitchen during the final dinner service, only one chef will be crowned HELL’S KITCHEN winner and receive a life-changing grand prize: a Head Chef Position at one of Gordon Ramsay’s restaurants, with a salary of $250,000.

You’re not going to want to miss tonight’s cool new episode of HELL’S KITCHEN which begins at 8PM EST on FOX. We’ll also be live blogging it for you right here. While you’re waiting for the show to start, hit up our comments section and tell us your thoughts on the final two contestants!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page for Updates

Tonight’s season finale of Hell’s Kitchen begins with Chef Ramsey sending the final two chefs, Jason and Scott, off to luxury suites in Beverly Hills for the night. Scott and Jason arrive at the hotel and toast to making it to the end of the competition. Then they retire to their rooms and begin preparing their final menus for the competition. The next morning they return to Hell’s Kitchen for breakfast and are surprised by their families.

After breakfast Scott and Jason are taken back to their suites, where Chef Ramsey is waiting for them. He gives them both a gift box, with a brand new apron in it. Then, Chef Ramsey reveals that he is taking them “out on the town” tonight to celebrate.

They head to a boxing match with Chef Ramsey, and they are shocked when they learn that they are the main event. A kitchen is unveiled behind the ring, and Scott and Jason learn that this is their final challenge. They have to both prepare five dishes in front of a live audience in one hour. Afterwards, Chef Ramsey’s five guest judges must come in and score each of their dishes.

First Jason and Scott must present their Caesar salads. Scott receives a 9 from the judge and Jason receives an 8. Next they present their hot appetizers, both Scott and Jason score an 8. So far Scott is still ahead by 1 point. The chefs present their chicken dishes next, and they both receive a 9. The fourth round is the fish entrée, and Jason scores a 9 and Scott scores a 10. Now, Scott and Jason are both tied, and there is one dish left. The final dish is the beef tenderloins, Scott scores a 9 and Jason scores an 8. So, Scott wins the final competition by one point.

Now, it is time for the chefs to pick their teams for the final dinner service. Since Scott won the challenge he gets to choose first. Scott chooses Chris, Ralph, Rochelle, Jessica and Kaisha. Jason chooses Anton, Melanie, Gabriel, and Sandra. Jason and Scott take their chefs to Hell’s Kitchen and go over their menus and station assignments. Jason’s team is concerned because he is all over the place and a hot mess, and Scott’s team is already growing tired of his perfectionism.

It’s time for dinner service to start. Jason’s team is already falling apart, and Jason thinks Sandra is the weakest link and is “moving slower than snail sh-t.” Scott’s team is off to a nearly perfect start on appetizers. However, back in Jason’s kitchen Sandra tries to serve the VIP table cold crab cakes. Jason thinks she is sabotaging him and calls her a “dumbass.”

Scott’s team is working in perfect harmony, and his VIP table is gushing about how good the scallops are. However, their weakest link Jessica is starting to fall apart at the garnishing table. Interestingly, Gabriel is holding it together and even surprising Jason with how well he is doing.

The chefs are over an hour in to the dinner service, and Scott is fed up with Jessica at the garnish station. He kicks her out of his kitchen, and moves Rochelle to the garnish station. Meanwhile in Jason’t kitchen, he is wishing that he had kicked Sandra out. After all of the drama, both kitchens manage to end the night on a positive night.

Jason and Scott say good-bye to their teams and head upstairs to the dorms while Chef Ramsey decides which one of them are the winners of Hell’s Kitchen. After sitting and waiting in agony, Chef Ramsey finally calls Jason and Scott down to his office. He has made a decision.

Jason and Scott both line up and stand in front of their doors, the chef whose door opens is officially the winner of Hell’s Kitchen and will win a salary of a quarter of a million dollars. Chef Ramsey counts to three and Jason and Scott turn the handles of their doors, and Jason’s door does not open.

Scott is the official winner of Hell’s Kitchen!

Do you think Scott was the deserving winner of Hell’s Kitchen Season 12? Let us know in the comments below.

