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How to defeat Borealis the Freezing Fog in Elden Ring

Dragons are commonplace in the world of Elden Ring, but Borealis the Freezing Fog is the only ice dragon that players will encounter in the game. Not only is the element of the dragon unique, but the fog of the arena and the ice all around makes the environment unique as well.

Compared to other dragons, Borealis the Freezing Fog is also fairly tanky and can take more than a few massive hits. Only a few different builds will be able to burn the boss down in a flash, but most will have to take their time to cut down its health as best as they can.

Fighting Borealis the Freezing Fog in Elden Ring

Evade the dragon and its ice attacks (Image via FromSoftware)

Borealis the Freezing Fog located at one of the northern-most parts of the map in Elden Ring, and clearly doesn't like anyone invading his space, especially not the Tarnished. Players will know when they are about to find the ice dragon in the Forbidden Lands because vision will be nearly impossible. On top of that, the massive ice lake will indicate that the beast is near.

Check out Elden Ring PS4 here.

Tips for fighting Borealis the Freezing Fog:

  • Using Torrent the mount is still one of the best options for fighting nearly any dragon in the game.
  • Though he can cause players to get stunned if taken out, Torrent is fast and can close the gap.
  • Having fire spells or fire grease on a weapon is one of the best ways to cause damage, along with blood loss.
  • Most of his attacks resemble those of other dragons, aside from the area of effect ice blast.
  • When he lifts his head and looks like he is roaring or charging, players need to run or potentially die.
  • Borealis has a lot of HP, but players can stay aggressive for most of the fight.

Of course, players will also want Thawfrost Boluses to counter the ice. Fighting during the day will also make the fight manageable in the blinding fog of the north.

Where to find Borealis the Freezing Fog in Elden Ring

Players can find this boss when they make their way to the Forbidden Lands beyond Leyndell. Before fighting, players will need to make their way to the center of the snowy lands, beyond the main bridge.

Then there is the left and right side of the snowscape in the game. Players need to head towards the east and look for the freezing mist on the lake to initiate the epic dragon fight in Elden Ring.

To see Melina Elden Ring, click here.

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