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Starfield is finally here, but if you're been playing it on an ultrawide monitor, you might've noticed something's a bit off. Yeah, we're talking about those pesky black bars on the sides of your screen. It's a bummer, especially when you're trying to immerse yourself in the experience and get lost in space. This article is going to dig into why that's happening and what you can do about it.

Let's face it—when you're navigating through asteroid fields or getting into laser battles, you want that full-screen glory. And it's not just about the aesthetics; a fully immersive display can actually make you better at the game. Plus, you didn't splurge on that fancy monitor for nothing, right? So, stick around as we dive into the nitty-gritty of Starfield's ultrawide support, or the lack thereof, and how you can hack your way to a better gaming experience.

Does Starfield support ultrawide monitors?

The short answer is yes, but with a caveat. The game does offer support for 21:9 aspect ratio monitors, but if you're rocking a 32:9 monitor, you're out of luck—at least by default. The game will fill out your screen in borderless windowed mode but puts up black bars once you go past 21:9.

So, what can you do about it? Well, the gaming community has come up with some ingenious solutions that we'll explore in the next section.

Workaround to get 32:9 Support

There's a way to get Starfield to play nice with your 32:9 monitor, and it involves a bit of tinkering. You'll need to use a Hex editor to remove those pesky black bars. Here's how:

  • Download a Hex editor: You can use HxD or imhex. Make sure the game isn't running when you do this.
  • Open Starfield executable in Hex editor: Drag and drop the .exe file into the Hex editor.
  • Find and replace Hex values: Use the search function to find the 8E E3 18 40 hex value and replace it with 39 8E 63 40.
  • Save and exit: After making the changes, save the file and exit the Hex editor.
  • Voila! You should now be able to enjoy the game in 32:9 aspect ratio. However, keep in mind that some UI elements may not display correctly.

    While Starfield does offer some level of ultrawide support, it falls short of fully embracing 32:9 monitors. But thanks to the gaming community, there are workarounds to get that immersive space-faring experience you crave. Until Bethesda releases an official fix, this solution is your best bet for exploring the galaxy without those annoying black bars.

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