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Real name, country, Free Fire ID, stats, and more

Content creation and streaming have become a viable option for many Free Fire players. With the massive popularity of this game, several YouTubers have also emerged.

Sultan Proslo is a renowned Free Fire content creator from Indonesia. He is quite popular in the community and boasts a massive subscriber count. In this article, we look at his in-game details.

Also read: Desi Gamers: Real name, country, Free Fire ID, stats, and more

Sultan Proslo’s real name, Free Fire ID, and stats

His real name is Dyland Maximus Zidane. His Free Fire ID is 16207002, and his IGN is SULTAN.INDO!

Lifetime stats

All-time stats

Sultan Proslo has appeared in 831 squad matches and registered 287 wins. He has racked up 2094 kills with a K/D ratio of 3.85.

When it comes to the duo mode, the streamer has played 99 games and has 26 Booyahs. With a K/D ratio of 4.19, he has accumulated 306 frags.

The content creator has played 557 solo games and won 58 of them. He has 1508 eliminations at a K/D ratio of 3.02.

Ranked stats

Ranked stats

Dyland has been featured in 13 squad games in the current ranked season and secured two victories at a win rate of 15.38%. In the process, he has notched up nine kills, maintaining a K/D ratio of 0.82.

In the duo mode, the YouTuber has played three matches and remained unbeaten in a single game. He has killed five enemies for a K/D ratio of 2.50.

Lastly, he has played 11 solo matches and bagged 17 kills.

His YouTube channel

Sultan Proslo started his YouTube channel – Dyland Pros – over five years ago. He has uploaded 1132 videos and currently has over 12 million subscribers and has over 895 million views combined.

You can click here to visit his channel.

His social media accounts

Sultan Proslo has Instagram and Facebook accounts.

Instagram: Click here.

Facebook: Click here.

Also read: Dyland Pros (Sultan Proslo) vs Lokesh Gamer: Who has better stats in Free Fire?

Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.

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