The Witcher star Therica Wilson-Read thoroughly enjoyed time off from her filming responsibilities by hitting the beach and getting some sun. Wilson-Read, who plays Sabrina Glevissig on the show, shared pictures of her vacation, including a shot of herself posing in a bronze bikini in front of a beautiful ocean. "You're stunning I can't," commented her co-star Safiyya I Ingar. Here's what Wilson-Read loves to do in her down time, and how she feels about her role on The Witcher.

Wilson-Read stays active by walking around London and taking group exercise classes. "I am a homebody at heart, but London is wonderful for exploring, so I try and spend my time going to exhibitions and trying new restaurants!" she says. "One of my favorite museums is the V and A. I am also a great lover of desserts, so whether it be Bread Aheads doughnuts in London Bridge or Zafferanos Tiramisu, I try and search them out. I am also hooked on group workout classes, so you will frequently find me being worked into a sweat by India Bailey in a spin class on a Tuesday afternoon."

Wilson-Read loves the way acting encourages empathy and compassion. "I didn't grow up thinking that I would be an actress," she says. "In fact, there was a time that I was interested in going into law or psychology; however, I always came back to acting! I constantly think that putting yourself in someone else's shoes makes you more empathetic toward other people. One of the most beautiful things about acting is you have to immerse yourself in the character to understand and sympathize with why they make certain decisions. This is not without dilemmas, as the decisions made may not be consistent with my own social or emotional beliefs."
Wilson-Read meditates and limits screen time for her mental health. "Life sometimes feels like that saying, 'When it rains, it pours'. I will have periods of quiet and then suddenly everything is happening at once," she says. "I try to meditate most days, even if it's for 10 minutes, and limit how much I spend looking at a screen… I have an apartment that feels so peaceful. It's slightly miscellaneous and full of (probably dying) plants. It feels like this zen little island in the middle of busy London. The only thing that isn't so peaceful is that I have a rather large fluffy rescue cat who manages to molt no matter how much I brush him, so I spend a lot of my day picking up hairballs off the floor."
Wilson-Read has developed a strong sense of self through playing Sabrina. "Sabrina brought out a confidence in me that I really didn't know I had," she says. "Yes, she has her insecurities and moments of vulnerability but, for the most part, she's incredibly sure of herself which feels empowering to play. However, she can also be cutting and mean at points which, although is fun to play with, never feels so good in my body. When she's fun, she's very fun. When she's mean, she's very mean. When she loves, she loves so deep she risks her life for that person."
Wilson-Read respects The Witcher fans and tries to stay true to the source material for her character. "It's important to me to keep as close to the character that the fans know and love from the books and the games but also show her development into that character," she says. "I try to go back to the source material before every season starts and revisit Andrzej Sapkowski's Sabrina Glevissig and see if there are traits of her that I can highlight more in each season."