When Dogs Refuse Stairs However, if a dog suddenly becomes scared of stairs, then it’s time for a veterinary visit. Older dogs may develop arthritis, which causes severe pain while stepping up or climbing downstairs. If a younger dog refuses stairs, she may have an injury, congenital issue (hip dysplasia) or torn pad.Click to see full answer. Herein, why is my dog afraid to go down stairs?The majority of dogs who are afraid of stairs develop the fear because of a lack of early exposure. In some instances, a dog may develop a fear of stairs from a traumatic experience. For example, a dog who falls down the stairs may be left with a phobia of climbing stairs.Additionally, at what age can puppies go down stairs? Age Range. Your puppy may able to handle a short step or two from the day he joins your family at about 8 to 10 weeks of age. Over time, introduce him to the rest of the stairs in your home so he is comfortable with them by 16 weeks. Moreover, why is my dog having trouble walking up stairs? Dogs may have trouble walking up and down stairs for a range of health related reasons including ageing, degenerative joint disease, hip dysplasia, neurological disorder or musculoskeletal injury. This article offers some tips for assisting a dog to safely negotiate stairs.Should you let your dog go upstairs?Having them upstairs with you at first will also help with house training, as you’ll be alerted by the puppy when they want to go (see housetraining your puppy). Although it can be quite tiring getting up a few times a night, your puppy is likely to be house trained much quicker this way.