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Wife 'in cocaine divorce battle' with $7m banker was busted for DWI after crash

The blonde in the middle of a bitter divorce with real-life 'Wolf of Wall Street' banker Sage Kelly was charged with DWI after she crashed her Range Rover in the middle of the day, leaving her two young daughters 'screaming and bleeding'.

Christina Kelly, 39 - who has accused her ex of forcing her into sex with a businessman and told of their frequent cocaine abuse - was arrested at 4.30pm on May 18, 2010, in the wealthy enclave of the Hamptons in New York after smashing into a tree and power cables.

Her two girls with Kelly, then aged six and two, were left 'screaming and bleeding' following the incident in Sag Harbor, according to a witness.

Mrs Kelly, pictured dishevelled in a mugshot taken at the time, was constrained by shackles when she appeared in Southampton Town Justice Court. She pleaded not guilty. 

Bombshell revelations: According to a court filing,  Jefferies Global Head of Healthcare Sage Kelly (left) had his soon to be ex-wife Christine (seen on right in her mugshot following her 2010 DWI arrest) have sex with one of his prospective clients 

Bombshell revelations: According to a court filing,  Jefferies Global Head of Healthcare Sage Kelly (left) had his soon to be ex-wife Christine (seen on right in her mugshot following her 2010 DWI arrest) have sex with one of his prospective clients 

Day in court: Sage (above leaving a Manhattan courtroom), has denied allegations of using drugs in his divorce from his wife

Day incourt: Sage (above leaving a Manhattan courtroom), has denied allegations of using drugs in his divorce from his wife

Southampton Town Police Sergeant Todd Bennett said he found Mrs Kelly to be drunk at the time of the accident. 

At the scene, cops said Mrs Kelly refused a breathalyzer and failed a field sobriety test.

Her oldest daughter, now 10, suffered injuries to her head, arm and knee, while her youngest, now six, had a minor injury to her face. The girls and Mrs. Kelly, who suffered a cut on her hand during the accident, were treated at Southampton Hospital.

Witness Susan Falkowski told 7Online: 'I opened the door of my parents house and I heard screaming.'

She told how she rushed to help and said when she saw the girls they were bleeding: She said: 'They were screaming, screaming, we tried to calm them down and we got her belongings out of the car for her.


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Of Mrs Kelly, who then shared a sprawling Sag Harbor home with her ex-husband, she said: 'She just kept saying she wanted to go home, she goes I just want to go home and go to bed.'  

Sgt Bennett said Mrs Kelly struck three utility poles, leaving live wires on the ground and leaving 33 residents without electricity for a few hours. She had, he confirmed, been driving too fast in pouring rain when she crashed.

Mrs Kelly was charged with aggravated DWI, a felony, because children were in the car, Sgt. Bennett said. She was also charged with two counts of endangering the welfare of a child, a misdemeanor.

The girls were put in the custody of their grandparents, Jack and Yvonne DiMauro, following the crash after child protective services were called. 

Mrs Kelly’s parents posted $5,000 bail for their daughter, and she was released.

On September 30, 2010, she entered a plea to driving while intoxicated as a misdemeanor.

Happy families: The Kellys before their acrimonious divorce battle, pictured with their two young daughters

Happy families: The Kellys before their acrimonious divorce battle, pictured with their two young daughters

All smiles: Christina Kelly with her daughters, who were injured when she crashed her Range Rover in 2010

All smiles: Christina Kelly with her daughters, who were injured when she crashed her Range Rover in 2010

Sage Kelly, 42, the $7-million-a-year head of healthcare investment banking at Jefferies & Company, is portrayed in court papers filed by his estranged wife as a habitual drug user who was regularly unfaithful and abusive to his children. 

Mrs Kelly, who is filing for divorce in Manhattan, sent shock waves across Wall Street by naming a string of high-level bankers and businessmen who she claims her husband took cocaine with on a regular basis. 

She claims she felt pressured by her husband into having sex with Aegerion Pharmaceuticals boss Marc Beer whom he was hoping to land as a client during an evening at the Ritz-Carlton hotel in Boston in 2012, a story that also involves Bjorn Koch, the Senior Vice President of Wealth Management at UBS in Boston.

Describing the event in a sworn affidavit she said: 'The evening started at a bar in the Ritz Carlton Hotel. Everyone in the group drank alcohol and did lines of cocaine (except for Marc's adult sons who had just joined us for awhile).

'Afterwards, the six of us retired to Bjorn's apartment, where everyone continued to snort cocaine and drink alcohol. At one point, Marc's girlfriend, while dancing wildly, removed her top to should [sic] everyone her breast implants.

Wealthy; The Kellys enjoyed a stunning lifestyle, living with their daughters on a 5th Avenue apartment 

Wealthy; The Kellys enjoyed a stunning lifestyle, living with their daughters on a 5th Avenue apartment 

Claims: Despite their smiles, Christina Kelly alleges her ex-husband forced her to have sex with a businessman - and regularly snorted cocaine

Claims: Despite their smiles, Christina Kelly alleges her ex-husband forced her to have sex with a businessman - and regularly snorted cocaine

'Marc sat next to me on the couch and told me that I was beautiful. With Sage looking on with approval if not titillation, Marc started to touch me. 

'Marc then invited everyone to go back to Sage's and my room at the Ritz Carlton. Once there everyone did more "lines" of cocaine.

'There was one room, with two beds. 

'Soon, Sage and I were having sex with each other on one bed, and Marc and his girlfriend were having sex on the other bed. Then Marc said, "Let's switch." I did not know what to do.

'Marc suggested that his girlfriend and I have sex with each other. I was not happy about that, and I looked to Sage for guidance.

'Sage was so "wasted" that he could not give me a sign as to what he wanted me to do. Mindful of his goal of securing business from Marc, I felt responsible not to disappoint Marc.

Christina Kelly with a man believed to be her father Jack, and her daughters 

Christina Kelly with a man believed to be her father Jack, and her daughters 

Injured: Christina Kelly's two girls were left bloody and screaming following the 2010 car crash in Sag Harbor

Injured: Christina Kelly's two girls were left bloody and screaming following the 2010 car crash in Sag Harbor

'So, his girlfriend and I had sexual contact for a few minutes, while Marc and Sage watched.

'Then, Marc's girlfriend joined Sage on our bed, and Sage and she started to have sexual relations.

'Then, I joined Marc on his bed, and he and I engaged in sexual relations.

'The next morning, Sage expressed anger at me, testily saying: "I can't believe you did that [have sex with Marc]."

'I do not know, definitively, Sage's purpose in setting up what transpired. 

Marc Beer Bjorn Koch

Also involved: The court papers claim that Marc Beer (left) did cocaine and had sex with Mrs Kelly after spending time at the apartment of Bjorn Koch (right), claims that Beer denies

Drug use: Christina (above leaving a Manhattan courtroom), has admitted to her drug use but claims it all began because of her husband

Drug use: Christina (above leaving a Manhattan courtroom), has admitted to her drug use but claims it all began because of her husband

'I do know one thing, however. Following that evening, Marc Beer has been an important client of Sage and, presumably, a substantial reason for Sage's enormously successful career at his current investment bank, Jefferies and and Company, Inc.' 

Mr Beer said the allegations were completely untrue and denied using cocaine or any other illegal substance. 

Mr Sage retaliated by referring to his estranged wife's 2010 car crash in his own papers. 

The couple married in August 2002, and according to their New York Times wedding announcement, she was working in public relations for Aeffe, an Italian fashion company, while he was director of investment banking in New York at UBS Warburg.

Mr Kelly said in paper filed this summer of his soon to be ex-wife's claims, 'While [she] and I used recreational drugs on occasion at certain social events in the past, the Wolf of Wall Street tale she tells this court is a work of fiction.' 

Swank swapping: Mrs Kelly claims her husband pressured her into having sex with Beer and his girlfriend while they were at the Ritz-Carlton in Boston (above)

Swank swapping: Mrs Kelly claims her husband pressured her into having sex with Beer and his girlfriend while they were at the Ritz-Carlton in Boston (above)

Christina, a former Ralph Lauren event planner and graduate of Manhattan's tony Horace Mann School, said her husband often pestered her to engage in threesomes.

She also alleges he bedded several women outside their 12-year marriage, including the wife of a co-worker who he had sex with in the swimming pool of their vacation home in Sag Harbor.

According to Mrs Kelly's suit, her husband won temporary custody of their two children - daughters Cameron, 10, and Logan, 6 - after secretly filming her drinking and snorting cocaine in their Fifth Avenue apartment.

She says in court papers: 'Upon information and belief, commencing in or about late May 2014 or early to mid June 2014, defendant ceased to ingest cocaine, Molly, mushrooms, or other illegal drugs so that he might test "negative" in the event a court were to order him to submit to a drug test.

'In mid-July 2014, defendant caused the installation of hidden recording devices in the NYC Apt (the "Hidden Cameras").

'During the period from on or about July 16, 2014 through July 30, 2014, the Hidden Cameras detected plaintiff snorting cocaine and ingesting alcohol in the NYC Apt - activities which defendant had encouraged and in which defendant had participated throughout the course of the parties' relationship.'

Mrs Kelly claims however that her husband was the real danger to the children, saying he once slapped one of the girls across the face and routinely called them 'f–k­ing retard' and 'f–k­ing idiot.'

The filing also alleges one of the girls once asked her: 'Mommy, can you please tell Daddy to stop calling me a f–k­ing retard?'

On another occasion she claims that one of her husband's friends 'inadvertently left a bag of cocaine on a pool table' at their home and that one of the children had dipped her her finger into the bag before she arrived to stop her ingesting it.

Mrs Kelly said she had never used cocaine until she met her Mr Kelly and that he later refused to have sex with her unless they were taking the drug.

In fact, she claims in her filing that the first time she ever used the drug was the night they met at his apartment in January of 2000.

She also says Mr Kelly snorted heroin while they were dating in her papers, writing:

'During the period of the parties' courtship, defendant snorted heroin at The Tavern, a club in Southampton, New York, causing defendant to be so disoriented that without shoes, defendant attempted to walk - barefoot - a distance of several miles from The Tavern to the horne in which the parties were then renting a "share house."'

Office: Mr Kelley is the $7-million-a-year head of healthcare investment banking at the Jefferies & Co firm in New York

Office: Mr Kelley is the $7-million-a-year head of healthcare investment banking at the Jefferies & Co firm in New York

According to another section Christina's affidavit: 'Sage had a "mushroom day" at the Sag Harbor Home.

'The usual cast of characters - including most of the people to whom Sage has requested this Court to direct my attorney and me not to contact - was present. 

'By 11:00 a.m., Sage had consumed so many mushrooms and was so out of control that his friends and business associates collectively decided to hide the bag of mushrooms from Sage– out of their concern that one more mushroom might lead to an overdose.

'We were all stunned, therefore, at the sight of Sage– with his own blood purposefully smeared on his face in several long lines– walking towards us outside the home. 

'After exclaiming, "I found the bag!," Sage popped yet another mushroom into his mouth.' 

Among the business associates who she lists in the affidavit as people her husband would regularly take cocaine with are his boss at Jefferies & Co Ben Lorello, Myriad Solutions CFO Mark Hosny and Seattle Genetics chief executive Clay Siegall.

Mr Lorello and Mr Siegall have categorically denied the allegations

Named: Christina also alleges in court papers that Seattle Genetics chief executive Clay Siegall (above) did drugs with her husband, a claim he denies

Named: Christina also alleges in court papers that Seattle Genetics chief executive Clay Siegall (above) did drugs with her husband, a claim he denies

Fifth Avenue Kelly apartment Sag Harbor Kelly house

Nice digs: The couple split their time between a Fifth Avenue apartment building (left) and a house in Sag Harbor (right)
